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9701 West 67th Street
Merriam, KS, 66203
United States


Tryout FAQ's

Tryout FAQ’s

Do I have to attend all tryouts?

Ideally, yes. The more the coaching staff gets a chance to evaluate your child’s ability, the more likely they are to form an accurate assessment and assign them to the appropriate team. If you can’t make all the sessions please let the age-level coaches know.

Should parents attend tryouts?

Parents are encouraged to watch the try-out sessions but do not have to be present.

How soon will I know if I make the team?

Age group coaches will contact each player and/or family directly or via phone call. You should know which team your child has made within 24 hours of the last tryout. All players will make a team.

What if I’m out of town and can’t attend the tryouts?

Contact Kyle at the KC Legends office to discuss alternatives to not being able to attend tryouts. or 913-851-9898 X 222

Can I stay with my team from last year?

Parents can let the coach know that is the player’s preference and that will be taken into consideration.

Can I play up?

Players are welcome to play up. Please note that you would like to play-up when you register for tryouts. Also, please let the staff member working at the registration table that your child will be trying out a year-up as well.

I made the team, what’s next?

First, you will need to accept your child’s spot on the team by completing the club registration form. The coach or team manager of your team will add you to teamsnap. On teamsnap, you will be able to see when practices are scheduled and fees you will owe. Practices start approximately two weeks after tryouts.

How much will it cost to play with KC Legends?

Cost will vary team-to-team and age-group to age-group and will also depend on the number of tournaments that the team and coach decide to attend. A sample budget can be found here.

When will I have to pay my first fee?

To accept your child’s spot on the team you will need to pay the Legends’ registration fee of $125 on-line. Within two weeks you will need to pay Heartland league fee (split evenly among the team), player card fees, and an admin fee which is usually around $10.

How soon will practice begin after try-outs?

Training will begin no later than 2 weeks after tryouts and will continue all summer.

What days will my team practice and where?

Each team will have practice fields and days assigned. The coach will advise the team concerning the days and length of practices. Normally, teams practice twice a week for 1.5 to 2 hours.

Which age group is my child in?

Please consult our age group matrix here.